Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Art is a lighting storm at bedtime. When it happens, it draws a lot of attention. Some people are scared of it and some don’t understand it. Some people despise it and some ignore it. Some people have even been hurt by it. But those who enjoy it are welcome to behold wonderful spectacles that illuminate the dark world surrounding us. It is loud, bright, shattering, but you are safe viewing it from where you are. All you have to do is enjoy the shocking, pure energy that has appeared in front of you. And there’s no reason not to take the time to enjoy it, for it is free. You can be delighted, frightened, and an eerie combination of the two. You can take a picture, but it will never capture the astounding majesty of what you are seeing in that moment. Observe the strokes and the patterns placed upon the canvases of varying dimensions. Your eyelids are drooping low, but you won’t let tiredness get in the way of the beauty. I feel the worst for animals; they can’t comprehend it with their limited minds so they run away from it, and hide. I think they wish for a higher understanding so that they might be able to appreciate it. 

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