Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Before You Take My Hand

I can't promise you forever, hell I can't promise you a year. But what I can promise is that you are one of the most beautiful things I've laid my eyes on. I can't say that I love you, because I'm afraid I'll have to take it back. But what I can say is that moments with you are ones I'll never forget.

I can't take a bullet for you,
Because hey, that would really hurt.
But I will pick you up when you're down
And I'll dust your clothes of dirt.

I can't always be there for you,
I've got my own life too.
But when I'm there my life is better
Because I'm sharing it with you.

I can't promise you forever,
Or say I love you either.
I can't always be there for you,
Or take a bullet neither.

These are the things I cannot do,
I know this is not what you're used to.
There are things I can't do that's true,
But everything else I can do, for you.

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